Once upon a time, in a small town, lived a 7-year-old boy named Sammy. He was a bright and curious boy, but he had a unique way of doing things. Sammy had a condition called autism, which made him see the world in a different way. He had a hard time with changes in his routine and often engaged in repetitive behaviors, like flapping his hands or lining up his toys. But Sammy had a special companion, his dog named Duke, who was always by his side to comfort him when he felt overwhelmed. Sammy and Duke were inseparable, and they loved going on adventures together.

One day, Sammy’s parents decided to take him to a Home for children with special needs. Sammy was nervous and anxious about going to a new place, but Duke’s wagging tail and comforting presence eased his worries. As they entered the Home, Sammy noticed a lot of children playing and having fun. He felt a little overwhelmed by the noise and unfamiliar environment, but Duke stayed close to him, providing a sense of security.

As they explored the Home, Sammy noticed that some of the children were engaging in behaviors similar to his, like rocking back and forth or repeating certain words. This made Sammy feel less alone, and he began to open up and interact with the other children. They played games together, and Sammy even joined in a group activity, something he had never done before.

But then, Sammy and Duke encountered a challenge. They came across a room with bright lights and loud music, which triggered Sammy’s sensory sensitivities. He started to feel anxious and overwhelmed, and Duke could sense it. Duke nudged Sammy’s hand and led him to a quiet corner of the room. There, Duke showed Sammy how to take deep breaths and calm himself down. Sammy followed Duke’s lead and felt much better.

As they continued their adventure, Sammy and Duke discovered a quiet room with soft lights and calming music. Sammy felt drawn to this room and decided to take a break there whenever he felt overwhelmed. He also shared this room with some of the other children who were also struggling with sensory sensitivities. Sammy felt proud of himself for finding a way to cope with his challenges and for helping others too.

Throughout their time at the Home, Sammy and Duke encountered many challenges related to Sammy’s restricted and repetitive behaviors. But with Duke’s support and the strategies he learned, Sammy was able to overcome them. He also formed connections with the other children and learned that he was not alone in his struggles.

On their last day at the Home, Sammy and Duke were invited to a farewell party. Sammy was hesitant at first, as he didn’t like big crowds, but Duke encouraged him to go. To Sammy’s surprise, the party was held in the quiet room, with dim lights and soft music. It was a sensory-friendly party, just for him and the other children who needed a break from the noise and chaos.

Sammy felt happy and proud of himself for making it through his adventure at the Home. He learned that with the support of his trusted companion, Duke, and the strategies he learned, he could overcome any challenge. As they left the Home, Sammy and Duke knew that they had made a memorable experience, one that they would never forget. And Sammy felt more confident and capable than ever before.